
Software Engineer 2

October 2024-present

Software Engineer 2

  • Migrated the patient summary, a core page visited by 1000s of daily users, from Django/JQuery to React.
  • Designed and implemented a printable patient summary, used by 60% of client offices, using Django/React.
  • Connected scheduling data to relevant action items, allowing bulk closure to save users ~10 clicks/action.
  • Wrote a service to create appointments based on action item activity, eliminating redundant data entry.
  • Built out a React interface for embedding a health tech app in electronic health records software.
July 2021 - March 2024


  • Scraped (2/5 data sources), cleaned, and visualized the cost of beer, coffee, and bread on a world map, using Python/pandas, Leaflet.JS, and Chart.JS. Feature-complete, tests and bugs TBD. (Github, Site)
  • Revamped a PostgreSQL/Flask/React app for submitting compliments about fellow Recursers, including bugfixes, schema changes, and new UI components. (Github)
January 2021 - March 2021


  • Adapted marketing materials from PowerPoint to a modern web format, using Django & Wagtail CMS to allow flexible page layouts, hosted on Google Cloud for secure client review.
  • Wrote Python and JavaScript to display realtime data from a hardware prototype via Redis.
October 2018 - January 2019

Technology Coordinator

  • Deployed and maintained 200+ Chromebooks, 50+ iMacs, and 25 Windows desktops for students in a project-based interdisciplinary CTE (Engineering & Automotive) high school.
  • Spearheaded CS/tech education by teaching programming & web design; designing curriculum and teacher PD; mentoring independent student projects; advising the Computer Club; and organizing career exploration.
  • Trained and supervised students & staff using the fabrication shop. Example projects: building a recording studio; laminating & decorating skateboards; designing & constructing solar battery chargers.
  • Designed and team-taught engineering/design and Algebra (grade 9) and math/physics (grades 10-12).
September 2013 - June 2016


The Hacktory
  • Planned and taught workshops on: circuits (analog, squishy, and sewable); analog sensors; equity in STEM communities; duct tape costuming; soldering; multimeters; recycled electronic jewelry.
  • Lead working groups on website maintenance/design, fundraising, drafting a new mission and policies, and project/task management during relocation to University City Science Center (2013).
April 2012 - June 2016

Department Liaison

  • Published 75+ courses under a Creative Commons license, producing multimedia, copyright-cleared material, sample student work, transcribed notes, custom site architecture, and other features as needed.
  • Supervised HTML/document authoring contractors and coordinated with IP and Production teams to design rich online content, meeting the needs of OCW users, individual faculty, and MIT as an institution.
  • For the MIT-SUTD Collaboration, designed processes and trained staff to produce teaching materials for 87 classes, delivered to the Singapore University of Technology & Design (SUTD) by April 2012.
  • Wrote tools for unique content situations, e.g. LaTeX template for transcribed notes; JavaScript expandable nested list for forum discussions; Python scripts to convert HTML to UTF-8 & new page layouts.
July 2007 - April 2013


Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Bachelor of Science, Physics
  • Thesis: Self-Assembly of Conformal Polymer Electrolyte Film for Lithium Ion Microbatteries
  • Minor (8 courses): Materials Science & Engineering
  • Concentrations (4 courses): Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, Asian Studies
June 2007


Apart from being a Python enthusiast, I like to cook vegetarian food, brew my own beer, ride my bike around the city, travel, read trashy novels, and relax with my partner and our cat Jones.

  1. Cost of Drinking

    When I started at the Recurse Center, I had several vague ideas of projects I wanted to work on. A throwaway comment on the price of beer in Budapest inspired me to see if beer could be used as a cost of living metric. The first maps I found polled …

  2. Puzzling Goings-On

    Today, an RC colleague organized a group to tackle a git mystery, in which murder has been done and the clues are hidden in commit messages. My group did not solve the crime within the hour, nor did we limit ourselves to git commands. But we appreciated the spirit of …

  3. Denim Duvet

    Over the years, I've gone through a lot of jeans. Usually I retire them for excessive rips and holes, although my standards have risen steadily. During the 2020 winter holiday, my partner and I decided to make significant progress on turning this pile of jeans into a duvet cover. This …

  4. Embroidery

    As a child, I learned to cross-stitch. As an adult, I've returned to it as a relatively quiet, clean, soothing hobby I can pick up at idle moments that nevertheless produces something lasting and beautiful. Projects I've been working on include:

    • A rendering of one of Frank Lloyd Wright's windows …

  5. Family Cookbook

    My extended family likes to cook, especially at the holidays, and frequently I hear, “What’s the recipe for X? Ask Y, they’ll know.” And then the recipe will be dredged up from memory, or a dusty cookbook, or someone’s text history, or photos of a dusty cookbook …

  6. The Hacktory

    When I moved to Philadelphia, I got involved in a local makerspace, The Hacktory. They provided a great platform for teaching others and tinkering on my own projects. Here are a few of the activities I worked on there.

  7. Cider Press

    Once upon a time, my friends and I went apple-picking, and decided we wanted to make some hard cider. So we got in touch with a friend of a friend who had a working cider press, drove out to the coast, and pressed some apples. This was great fun, but …