Articles tagged with javascript

  1. building a digital breadboard

    Earlier this year I was laid off from my job. As I wandered through a morass of job listings and LeetCode, I wanted to write something that demonstrated my React skills more extensively than my rc-niceties portfolio project. I also wanted an excuse to try out Typescript, as I had …

  2. the joy of react

    I've recently started some PD at work with The Joy of React, a course by React maven Josh Comeau. It promises to teach me not just the basics but also some "happy practices" (hedging on "best practices") that I'm expected to bring back to my daily practice. Several of my …

  3. rc-niceties

    A frequent comment about the Recurse Center is "everyone here is so nice!" Perhaps due to careful admissions, or the social rules, RC participants strive to keep it a supportive community where people are open to others: working together, communicating carefully, and respecting each other. One mechanism for building the …

  4. Cost of Drinking

    When I started at the Recurse Center, I had several vague ideas of projects I wanted to work on. A throwaway comment on the price of beer in Budapest inspired me to see if beer could be used as a cost of living metric. The first maps I found polled …

  5. Three Things Learned

    I haven't been keeping up with this blog, but I have been keeping busy. A few things I've learned recently:

    • Although JavaScript has a typeof command, it doesn't produce very useful output. In particular, it yields object no matter whether the structure in question is a Map, an Array, a …

  6. Advent of Code 2020, in JavaScript

    I’m doing Advent of Code this year using JavaScript, with the goal of forcing myself to learn the ins and outs of the language. And boy, does it have a lot of those. Here are some reflections on traps and quirks I’ve discovered.

    Initially I wrote JS literally …

  7. Advent of Code

    Advent of Code is an annual challenge during the month of December, posing short puzzles that generally require code to solve. Although I've never seriously competed, I have completed for my own enjoyment every puzzle from 2016, and nearly every one from 2015. The solutions from 2016 are annotated for …